Saturday, October 22, 2005

Setting someone free is a test to a persons love for another. It is really difficult to let go of someone we love. It only becomes easy when there are no more feelings holding us back. Sometimes it is true that the very first person who has taught us the real meaning of unselfish love would always be difficult to forget. Even if that person shows us that he doesn't love us anymore, we would still blindly hold on to the hope someday he would come back and we would be together again. But, more often than not, our first love doesn't become our last. The first heartache often becomes a prelude to another, and then, another. Until we mature emotionally and learn from the pain of our mistakes. Somehow we just thought that we can never find someone who could replaced our love. We want to think that way because we just want our life to revolve around him. But it shouldn't. We just have to accept the fact that the person we want to love has shown no willingness to return our affection. He's probably busy pursuing his interests and you're not one of them anymore. I believed there is always a time for everything. I realized, now is the time to pack all the things that remind me of the bitter past, zip it in a bag, and throw it away where it will be lost forever. I have waited too long. Love, like a seed may be stagnant for a long time. But given the chance, it can settle on a new soil, grow when nurtured and cared for and blossom into a new being. Should i say, give myself this chance to grow. Moving on and find love again.


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